🌟NFT Staking

Explanation how Excoms' NFT Staking Program works.

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What it does?

Staking allows you to lock your NFT for 30 days in exchange for GENZ tokens. GENZ reward is released gradually over staking period of 30 days and you can claim your GENZ any time and as frequently as you want. Once the staking period of 30 days has ended, you can either withdraw or re-stake your NFT. NFTs can be also upgraded to increase their GENZ reward, but the upgrade is covered in NFT Upgrading.

To understand our NFT Staking Program, we describe its PDAs first so you see what data the Program stores.

Once you know all the data, you'll see easily how the program works.


There are 3 PDA types used in Staking Program

Global PDA

This PDA stores global variables program needs, namely the reward to be paid for all the staked NFTs.

There is just one Global PDA.

to_be_paid_reward: u64

Role PDA

There are 2 special roles (described further) in the program. In this PDA the program stores what is a role of a given address.

There are several Role PDAs (one for each address that has some special role).

address: Pubkey      
role:    u64        


There is one NFT PDA for each NFT that can be staked. The PDA stores NFT mint address and what tier the NFT has (note that tier is NFT attribute that's stored off-chain).

Remaining fields of NFT PDA are for storing information about staking itself - who stakes the NFT (staker_address, when the NFT has been staked (staked_time), time of last claim (last_claim_time) and stake_reward.

There are 6,666 NFT PDAs (one for each Excom NFT).

mint:            Pubkey
tier:            u64
staker_address:  Pubkey
staked_time:     i64
last_claim_time: i64
stake_reward:    u64


Some operations cannot be done by everyone. That's why Staking Program defines roles

  • Admin (manages Admins, Updaters),

  • Updater (registers NFT for staking).

Information on what address has what role is stored in Role PDA, that's being updated by Admin.

Updater is the one who does all the dirty work for stakers - he has initialized PDA for every NFT that can be staked - that's 6,666 PDAs, each with a size of 104 bytes consuming 0.00161472 SOL as a rent-exempt - that's over 10.76 SOL that's been paid to create all PDAs.

Updater is still active - when the NFT is upgraded and its tier goes up, Updater has to update the corresponding NFT PDA to store new tier value on-chain.

Anyone who wants to stake needs an Excom NFT. There are 4 actions users can do with Staking program


You send NFT to Staking Program and update corresponding NFT PDA and Global PDA

  • staker_address is set to your address, so the program knows, the NFT is yours,

  • staked_time is set to now,

  • last_claim_time is set to now,

  • stake_reward, that stores how many GENZ will be paid over 30 days for this stake, is calculated based on GENZ in Staking Program reward vault and to_be_paid_reward in Global PDA

  • to_be_paid_reward is increased by stake_reward


You claim your GENZ reward for period between last_claim_time and now and update corresponding NFT PDA and Global PDA

  • last_claim_time is set to now,

  • to_be_paid_reward is decreased by reward that's been paid


When 30 days has passed since staked_time, this method claims your remaining GENZ reward, sends the NFT back to you and updates corresponding NFT PDA and Global PDA

  • staker_address is set to Pubkey::default()

  • staked_time is set to 0,

  • last_claim_time is set to 0,

  • stake_reward, is set to 0

  • to_be_paid_reward is decreased by reward that's been paid


This is just Withdraw and Stake in a single call.


Isn't this beautiful? :)

Last updated